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It Stinks To Get Old

By Lori Gasca - Speaker, Author & Mentor

Lori Gasca - Shaping Women Naturally Magazine & Events

I am 54 and I hear women around my age frequently say, “oh my gosh, it stinks to get old.”  And, they are often embarrassed to share their age.  But you know what? I just don't agree with that.  I love my age!


My husband, Michael, and I walked 100 kilometers across Spain in October on the Camino de Santiago.  We're not in the shape we were in when we were in our 20s but we loved every minute of it (even the really hard parts) and many times along the way we commented on how much we love this age. We do love it. Issues that used to bother us don't anymore. We have a better perspective on things. We feel wiser. We have to work a little harder to be strong and fit but I want to encourage you, no matter what age you are, to embrace it with gratefulness and contentment.


Each stage of life has blessings and challenges and we ALWAYS get more of what we focus on.  It’s that law of attraction thing. Whatever we talk about, whatever we dwell on, is what comes back to us in spades. 


I am feeling the need to write a quick note for those mommas covered up with all the things of littles. I do remember four children under the age of seven and some of those years were simply a blur. Hear this, momma, the days are long but the years are short.  I see you!  When they become young adults, it's the sweetest reward and blessing to get to be their friend.


We have a saying in our family, “wherever you are, be all there.” Be fully in the moment when sitting down to watch a movie, going to a restaurant for a family dinner, tucking the kiddos into bed, taking a walk…be all there. This is applicable to your age too. Don't wish for the younger years or dread getting older. Focus on the blessing of the day you've been given and BE ALL THERE!


“Death and life are in the power of the tongue." (Proverbs 18:21) Our words are powerful.  My encouragement for today is to be mindful of what you are speaking into and over your life.

Lori Gasca - Shaping Women Naturally Magazine & Events

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