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How to Stop the Stinkin’ Thinkin’

By Lori Gasca - Speaker, Author & Mentor

Lori Gasca |  How to Stop the Stinkin’ Thinkin’ | Shaping Women Naturally | Dawn Hall | Houston Women's Expo


Do you ever get stuck in stinkin' thinkin'…an autoloop of negativity, anxious thoughts, problems you can't control, obsessive worry?  I do.  Thankfully, not as often as I used to but when I start to feel those old patterns rising up, my goal is to acknowledge it AND get out of it so I don't get stuck sitting in it.  The goal is to not let the thoughts take root.  2 Corinthians 10:5 says to “take every thought captive to obey Christ."  That can be easier said than done.


I have to be very intentional with 3 areas usually needing attention when my thoughts start to take a wrong turn. 


PHYSICAL - when my thoughts start to feel negative, I know my nervous system needs a reset.  One of the fastest ways to do this is to focus on my physical body and it's immediate needs. Following are a few practical things I do.

  • I ask myself the following questions:  Am I hungry?  Have I fed my body good food today?  Am I thirsty?  Am I tired?  Have I moved today?  I try to take care of those things RIGHT AWAY.

  • I make myself get up and move.  Sometimes, it's as simple as moving my computer to another place in the house,  working standing for a while instead of sitting, or just opening the back door and walking outside to feel the fresh air and look at my plants.  And, sometimes I take my computer to a coffee shop and completely change my location!

  • I lace up my tennis shoes and take a quick walk around the block or put in my earbuds and take a longer walk.  The speed of the walk doesn't matter as much as just moving your body.

  • Stretch my body - deep stretching for as little as 3-5 minutes.

  • Intentional deep breathing!  Box breathing is a technique I use.   Picture 4 sides of a box and draw it with your mind…Side one, breathe in for 4 seconds as deeply as you can, then 2nd side two hold that breath for 4 seconds, side 3 blow out that breath until absolutely nothing is left for 4 seconds, and side 4 hold the emptiness for 4 seconds and then repeat this process a few times.

  • Drink a big glass of water. There is a clear link between dehydration and anxiety!

  • Set my alarm and take a 15 minute nap. Totally unplug and leave the phone in my bathroom, close my eyes and rest!EMOTIONAL - obviously emotions play a big part in our thoughts. The worst thing I can do is try to pretend it's all good when it's not. 

  • I give myself some time and space to feel the emotion WITHOUT suppressing it.  The fastest way I have found for negative thoughts to take root is to ignore them.

  • If I feel sad, I let myself cry it out.  A good cry is so cleansing.

  • If I am frustrated or angry, I have been known to give a good scream into a pillow.

  • I talk it out with a TRUSTED source who will tell me how it really is and not just what I want to hear.

  • Write out or speak aloud a gratitude list. Did you know feelings of gratitude can reduce cortisol (stress hormone) production in your brain?  Just google gratitude and the brain…it's amazing. SPIRITUAL - When I am not spending time reading my Bible everything shifts to the negative much faster.

  • Read some scripture.  If I don't know where to begin, I open up Psalms or Proverbs.

  • Write a verse on a sticky note and put it where I see it often. I read it over and over until it is memorized and hidden in my heart.

  • Talk to God.  I tell Him I am frustrated, sad, anxious, depressed!  He knows but He wants me to talk to Him about it.

  • Journal!  This has been my saving grace for years. I began journaling in high school.  I simply open a notebook and write.  I don't worry about punctuation, it making any sense, or someone else reading it.  I have written and then thrown it away and I have written some and kept it for years.  The most important thing is for me to empty it out of my mind onto paper.

I will leave you with this. “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8


I sure hope some of my practices help you live in a place of peace and calm.

Lori Gasca - Shaping Women Naturally Magazine & Events - Dawn Hall

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