About Us
When Dawn Hall Fit and
came together it was a match made in heaven as they grew by the light of faith and the gift of grace.
With the support of many women over the past 30 years the journey has come full circle, encompassing an all-inclusive message through a fabulously designed women's magazine called
Shaping Women Naturally.
The Journey
Shaping Women Naturally is a lifestyle journey that helps balance different areas of life according to where one is right now.
Shaping Women Naturally is for all ages, cultures and backgrounds.
It's a safe place to become healthy, make new life changing choices and develop courage to take leaps of faith.
This journey creates movement in areas that need more momentum and balances over stimulated areas so that each season of growth can establish a stable foundation for a steady ebb n flow of planning, preparing, action and rest throughout the entire year.
~ Shaping Women Naturally ~
One Season at a Time.
You're Invited
Join us on this exciting journey of learning new things, meeting new people and experiencing new places by exploring this one of a kind magazine guide that features success stories, different types of businesses, a message of faith as well as advice from professionals, creating a trusted referral guide ranging from restaurants to photographer, real estate agent, spas and more. This magazine is a valuable keepsake with a hands on fitness planner that will help jump start your very own lifestyle journey of success. Shaping Women Naturally magazine will prove to be a motivational, evergreen resource for years to come.